Your parents

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Allah has given you a lovely family, have your mother, your father, your brother and sister, and etc. You must love all of them. Your mother and your father are your parents .Respect your parents .treat them nicely. Serve them well .thank your parents for what they are doing for you.

Keep your parents happy by your good work, sweet words, smiles and manners obey as they say even if you do not like to do it. Do not answer them back rudely. Do not speak loudly to them. Speak in low voice to your parents. Take their permission before doing anything, As-hem to help. Ask for their advice. They know more than you .love your parents and they will love you. Give them small  gifts .pray Allah  to bless and forgive them. even if your parents are not Muslims even they are not good Muslims treat the very well ,obey your parents ,do not say a word against them .if they tell   you to do something which is un-Islamic do not obey them but treat them well.

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