52 Films by Women Vol 5. 10. Charlie’s Angels (Director: Elizabeth Banks)

Pictured (from left to right): Jane (Ella Balinska), Sabina (Kristen Stewart) and Elena (Naomi Scott) check out their quarry in 'Charlie's……
Pictured (from left to right): Jane (Ella Balinska), Sabina (Kristen Stewart) and Elena (Naomi Scott) check out their quarry in 'Charlie's……
You probably want to call them overpaid, but according to Forbes, they're the highest paid actresses in Hollywood right now! As……
June 1st Snow White and the Huntsman- I am very divided about this film. I’m against turning Snow White into an armored……
The Trailer Featurette Read more movie news and watch trailers at Maumau Web TV's blog posts or watch The Best Free movies on its……
Universal Pictures has released two more photos from Snow White and the Huntsman In the epic action-adventure opening June 1st, Kristen……