لماذا الديموقراطية في خطر؟

هذه رسالة الى كل حاكم يظن انه في مأمن على كرسي الحكم وان باستطاعته ان يسيطر……
هذه رسالة الى كل حاكم يظن انه في مأمن على كرسي الحكم وان باستطاعته ان يسيطر……
Afghan presidential election is on the way, the candidates are registering themselves, the electrical campaigns……
“While recognizing that the driving force behind this state of affairs is rooted in security concerns, I encourage the Government……
Vuk Jeremic yesterday assumed the role of President of the United Nations General Assembly having been elected a few months earlier……
Diplomacy has not worked very well for Syria. So how about rethinking the whole diplomacy thing in Syria-Diplomats not talking so……
Has London only created a more favorable platform for both Assange and Latin American adversaries of the United Kingdom by threatening……
In treatment of ethnic/religious minorities and political prisoners still held, UN Human Rights Special Rapporteur on the human……
I briefly met US Diplomat Jeffery Feltman when he was Lawrence Eagleburger’s Special Assistant on Eastern and Central……