Founder of International Charity, Elissa Montanti Talks to MSNBC

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Elissa Montanti saves children.  More than 15 years ago she created the Global Medical Relief Fund and has been saving the world one child at a time ever since.  Tomorrow morning she will appear on MSNBC on Morning Joe where she’ll talk to host Joe Scarborough about her book I’ll Stand by You

Elissa has a story like few others.  She has literally made something out of nothing by creating the GMRF, a charity that not only gives amputee children prosthetic limbs, but more importantly, it gives them hope. 

Elissa has shared her story with the world through her book in hopes of inspiring others.  The book has a very strong and enormously important message.  “I hope that anyone who reads I’ll Stand by You will feel a renewed sense of confidence that each of us can and should make a difference in this complex and sometimes dangerous world.” She’s just one person who decided to make a change 15 years ago and has now helped over 150 children from countries all over the globe.  Besides the pediatric prosthetics, she helps these children become children again. 

The book sheds light on parts of the world that really need to be seen, places where people feel they have no hope at all.  “Writing this book has given me a fresh voice to respond to those tiny voices from around the world whose faint cries call out for hope and help” said Elissa.  She gives voices to people who have never had one before.  The world needs to read this book. 

About the author


The Global Medical Relief Fund works to help victimized children from around the world, and most urgently with those affected by war or natural disasters. We strive every day to bring assistance to these young victims even when it may be beyond the reach of their own families and communities,…

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