How to strengthen family ties?

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    One of the good traits of the Filipino is having strong family ties, not only in the immediate family but the whole clan. This trait must be passed in every generation. Don't let this trait be vanished by the influence of modern living. Since most of us were busy working we don't find time to spend with our families. Some of us just went home to take a rest then most of their time was spent in their jobs.

     To maintain a strong family ties you have to set a goal to achieve it though It's better be said than done.

1. Find time to attend in any family occasions - Usually birthdays, holy week, Christmas, summer vacation and all saints day  are the best time we can spend with out family. These are the best time to bond with your family if you cannot do it frequently due to busy schedule.

2. Settle troubles immediately - Any typical family undergone troubles and fights and we must settle it immediately before it gets worst. If the problem is bigger than you think then one of the family must have strong courage to settle it.

3. Don't take children's fight seriously - This problem is usual if you are living in one compound. If you will join the children's fight then your relationship will be in trouble. The children can fight to the worst but later they will be good buddies so don't take their fight seriously.

4. Support your family member who is in need or in trouble - In bad times the family must support the affected member because if we cannot support them who else will? You can show your support financially or emotionally.

5. Don't take money matters seriously - One of the cause of family misunderstanding is when money speaks. We can find money everywhere but your family is the only real thing you own so give more importance to them than in anything related to money.

6. Conduct family reunion  - This is the best time where you can reach even the farthest family member and introduce to the younger ones.  This make the ties with the whole clan stronger.

      These are some of my insights to make our family ties stronger. Communication is still the best to make any relationship stronger. What ever happens it is our family who will support us. Blood is indeed thicker than water. Love your family!

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With 2 kids
Self Employed
Bubblews Blogger

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