Target Marketing in Afghanistan with Susan Hasanzada

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Target Marketing is something new in Afghanistan. To be honest, Roya Mahboob and Francesco Rulli the owners of Afghan Citadel Software Company and Film Annex were the first people who did it. For example, the conferences focusing on welfare projects taking place in the United States of America and Afghanistan, they attend dynamically and share thoughts.

They have talked about the needs of Afghan boys and girls who make the new generation. For example, they have shared keywords such as schools in Afghanistan, economy of Afghanistan, and education in Afghanistan.

When the economy and education level of a country increases, it walks towards developing. Thus, Roya Mahboob and Francesco Rulli are the ones who are thinking about how to drive the country towards development. Afghan Citadel Software Company could have already built 9 free internet class rooms in Herat, Afghanistan. They teach them social media such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Film Annex up there. In addition, they have provided them an opportunity for enhancing their education through blogging on Film Annex.

The vision they give in the international or international conferences are well accepted and confirmed by the countries holding conferences on target marketing in order to develop the poor countries.

They not only think about Afghanistan, but they think and have thought about some other developing countries such Central Asian and South Asian countries.

They have no any other jobs, except thinking about how to empower the women and how to improve the economy and education of the countries with poor economy.

About the author


Susan Hasanzada is graduated from Journalism Faculty of Heart University. She is a reporter in Zohal Universal Radio as well as a social Writer for Filmannex. She is very interested of women affairs, and thinks that women as the half part of the society should take their real responsibility in…

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