A 12 years old girl has been raped by her father

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Can a father rape her daughter!!????

Here is what I am up to these days.

Name: Nasrin
Age: 14

My name is Nasrin and I am 14 years old, the reason behind me living in this shelter is:

Two years ago, in one of the days in winter while I was watching T.V with my father at home, some one called my mom, It was my uncle, he said that my grand mother is very sick and there is no one taking care of her, my uncle asked my mom to go there and be with my grand mother for a few days.

My mother left to see my grand mother I was at home with my father. The day after my mother left i was at home with him, he (my father) was looking at me in a very weird way, I was scared, very scared, I knew something very bad is going to happen to me.

After a few minutes he told me that he is going to take me to my grand mothers home, I was very happy, at the same time very scared. I was feeling as I know what is going to happen to me.

I was walking with him, and he took me to an old house where there was one but me and him. He started using really bad words that I can't even say, I was in that house for 15 days and was raping me every day, he I was screaming and crying but there was no one who could hear my sound, I didn't eat any food in these 15 days...

After a while he took me back to home, and he said "if you tell you mother what I did I will kill you and her (mother)

I was just 12 on that time, I tried to kill my self two, three times but I couldn't.

Day by day my face was becoming darker and darker and was feeling weak, my asked me many times that what happened to me, but I was scared.

After 3 months I knew that I am pregnant, my mom also knew it on that time, after knowing that I started to say every thing true.

When my heard that I said every thing he started beating me, and after three days they told me that I am a shame for them and they said I can't stay with them any more, I went to police and they called the human rights and human rights office brought me here in the shelter ( Women For Afghan Women )

I feel very bad, and alone when I see no one comes to visit me, no one talks to me, I don't have a family...

My father is not in jail, even when I went to police they didn't do anything because my fathers knows some people in government. I don't know what is gonna happen to me in the future I am hopeless and tired...

For more information about this girl please visit>


The reason I shared this story is that I need a group of people who is able to help this girl by visiting her/introducing her to any of the schools/giving her some clothes and etc.

NOTE: Those who are in to help please inbox me> Zarsarmast@gmail.com

Peace & love

About the author


Zarlasht Sarmast is a young independent TV/Film producer and journalist and women’s rights activist born and raised in Kabul, Afghanistan. She started her television career at the age of 11 in 2006 presenting and producing radio segments for the “Powerful Youth”, a programme broadcasted at RTA (Radio Television Afghanistan) radio…

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