A little short about a little fly!

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Hi guys,

Before blogging about a new little short that myself and co director Chris Watson-Wood have in the pipe line, I would like to share a Gatorade Viral that we both shot and directed last month for ‘Buddy London’. Enjoy.




Over the past month Chris and myself have been talking about becoming a directing duo alongside our own directing work.

We feel we would allow us to be more adventurous with our ideas and story telling, if we use both our talents of visual effects and real life performances and combined them together.

A great example of a team of directors that have inspired us are ‘Daniels’ their approach gives them an edge that other directors don’t have! Which makes them more approachable for jobs that require both performance and visual effects directors, especially in the commercials world. We would be stupid not to give it ago!!



Our ideas generation session took place where all great ideas are thought up…. in the pub!  We wanted to make a comedy, which incorporated both visual effects and performance in some way. This is to show both our talents in one film.

Not only that but we wanted to appeal to both the short film market and the commercial industry. Giving us a wider scope of audience.  

Plus we have very little money and very little time to make this, due to being busy with other jobs on at the moment. So you can see coming up with an idea wasn’t going to be easy…

With this in mind we started pointing out what was around us, hoping to pluck a concept out of thin air. Which as you can imagine this did not take long until we ran out of things to point out besides pint glasses and beer matts…

Its hard enough coming up with an idea for yourself but for both of you to agree on it, that’s another thing!

Until... as if sent from god, a fly landed on my pint glass, which sparked conversation about a fly’s character traits and what he faces on a day-to-day basis.

So several beers later and ideas back and forth on how best show a fly’s character traits, we laid down an idea about one being trapped in a phone box. Where his only way out is taking advice from a friend on the other end of the line that might not give the best advice....!

We feel this idea fits our brief perfectly!! No need for actors, one small location and a CG fly!! Plus it would cost us bugger all apart from a few hand held lights and small track and dolly!



So the next step is to get a script down, find a location and work on making this fly, which we hope to get sorted in the next week or so!


Watch my blogs for more news and updates on this project as we progress.

Thanks guys!


About the author


I am a London based filmmaker, with a love of making short films. My films are often shrouded in suspense and reality, concentrating on characters and situations, and focusing hugely on detail. This has led me to becoming a commercials director in the company 'Buddy London', as adverts and short…

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