Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence, better known as AI, has caused huge waves in the world of computing. Artificial Intelligence is defined as the ability of a computer-based machine to replicate human-like behavior. This includes human cognitive senses, processing, and analysis of data, the formation of ever-changing patters, much like the neural connections in the human brain and more.


 Video Credit: Simplilearn via YouTube


Types of Artificial Intelligence:

1)      Reactive:

Reactive Artificial Intelligence does not have the ability to record or possess memory. It, in this way, does not have a learning “brain.” It can, however, react to a variety of stimuli. These stimuli are limited in number and are only those that the computer was coded with during its development stage. It does not possess the capacity to improve its existing skills or acquire new ones. This is the oldest traditional form of Artificial Intelligence.


2)      Limited Memory:

This form of Artificial Intelligence employs past experiences to improve upon its future output and present tasks. Self-driving cars, for example, use this method by taking old data and processing it via algorithms to improve their driving in the future. This form of Artificial Intelligence is found in machines that improve upon their old skills. However, they do not have the ability to create new concepts altogether but only improve upon the old ones.


3)      Theory of Mind:

This is a form of Artificial Intelligence that is currently under development. It is making progress and is the kind of Artificial Intelligence that has the emotional capacity to understand the needs of others, much like a human being. Improvements are being made day by day and the goal is to create a computer that can comprehend the behavior of other intelligent life or computer forms and adjust its own behavior to better serve our needs.


4)      Self-aware:

This form of Artificial Intelligence does not yet exist in reality. It has no physical manifestation to date, but there is a lot of theoretic work in the field. A device with this form of Artificial Intelligence will be able to take part in the human experience. It will be able to process desire, sadness, anger, joy and possibly have emotions of its own, too, for which it will expect a reaction from other intelligent life forms. Many people fear this form of Artificial Intelligence as they believe it will take over the human race one day and prove to be superior to us.


Why is Artificial Intelligence Important?

No one can deny that Artificial Intelligence is becoming an important part of our modern lives. Currently, the most important form of Artificial Intelligence is Reactive Artificial Intelligence. It is found in modern robots, computers and all around us. Some examples where Reactive Artificial Intelligence is seen are in computer games, predictive text, sales forecasting in economics and in personal assistants like Siri, Cortana, and Alexa. Artificial Intelligence is important because it can help us in diagnoses of disease, and can help us find new ways to cure them. Without the use of Artificial Intelligence, our smartphones would not be as savvy as they are today. Artificial Intelligence is, in this way, in a lot of areas of our life, which establishes it as an important concept.



Video Credit: Dr. Bharatendra Rai via YouTube

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