Aww, Don't Worry, Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affeck Isn't That Great

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If there's one thing that everyone knows about Jennifer Lopez (besides her ass, you pervs), it's that she's kind of simple. She's sweet, bless her heart, and she really does mean well, and this isn't a bad thing at all, it's just the way it is: she's simple, and her very favorite thing is being in love. That's why she lowered herself to dating that sketchy little Casper Smart for so long, remember? And that's also why she was apparently completely devastated when Ben Affleck broke up with her.

Jennifer wrote all about Ben in her new memoir, "True Love," and guys, he really messed her up. Like, bad. She wrote that she'd spent months planning this great big magical wedding only to have Ben leave her and get with Jennifer Garner a few months later. She actually said that "It felt like my heart had been torn out of my chest," how terrible is that? Almost as terrible as the fact that three days after the breakup, she hooked up with Marc Anthony, because this:

"I had never truly believed I was great at acting, or anything else for that matter. I was always looking for the other person to tell me I was great so I could feel good about myself. I lived for that."

While it might seem weird that Ben Affleck could have the power to ruin someone's whole life, it kind of sounds like that's what happened, huh? Maybe if Jennifer hadn't felt so heartbroken over him, she never would have gotten with Marc Anthony, and she never would have had to deal with the heartache from their divorce. Or maybe, and this is probably the more accurate one, if she had just learned to love herself earlier, she never would have been with Ben in the first place.

Learn Jennifer's lessons, guys, so that you don't have to go through this for yourself. Never get with a Ben Affleck. It can only end in disaster.

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