Hello everyone! Happy Valentines! I wish you understand that I could hardly write blogs at this time because of our family business, art commissions, personal problems and a lot of procrastination. Anyway, enough excuses for me. I better get more productive because my birthday is coming in a few days. That also means turning a year older—again.(sigh) So let’s proceed to my topic which every single hearts out there could surely relate to. And again, this blog is probably a little late for Valentine's Day, but I'm writing it anyway because the day isn't still over.

(image source: Katsanslimites)
A lovely cuddly pink and red bear!
We all know that Valentine's Day is the season of love. The special time for every couple to celebrate their love—and the season for the singles to mourn for their lonely hearts. I, myself, had never been into a relationship and so I feel that I should be writing this on behalf of my fellow singles out there.
There is more to life, my friend, than wasting time sulking because you don’t have that special someone on Valentine's Day. Worry no more because, Katsanslimites, the single fairy will guide you to the Valentine's Day survival 101!
#1 Avoid Social Media
(image source: Katsanslimites)
My friends way back college doing a "research".
The first thing you should refrain from doing during the season of hearts is scrolling on social media especially on the 14th. Remember, the goal for us singles is to keep our thoughts far away from the day. Social media is the nest of most every couple’s love story nowadays. It's almost like an open diary where you get to read their plans, goals, mishaps, etc. Even if nobody cares. People in love are surely proud and happy that they even shout it to the entire universe. With nicely captured photos coupled with a well-written letter or generic quote for the caption and wrapped with tons of hashtags like #blessed and #relationshipgoals for example.
If you cringe at the sight of cheesy couples, you better avoid scrolling on ANY of your social media especially Facebook and Instagram where your friends and acquaintances would most likely post or maybe brag of their love life. But you can of course open to take a peek on your important notifications and messages. Important messages should never be neglected. Be a caveman even just for awhile!
#2 Find A New Hobby

(image source: Katsanslimites)
Me crocheting a scarf.
Find a new hobby not hubby, okay? While everyone is busy with Valentine's Day, grab this chance to look for a hobby you could really enjoy and put all your mind into. Is it writing? Go write a blog on bitLanders! Is it drawing? Look for a blank space on your old notebook and start scribbling. Is it cooking? Search for recipes online, you’ll certainly find something that would suit your taste bud. Swimming? Photography? Listen to your heart and you would surely find what you really want and don’t forget to give it a try. And when you get so good on it, it even becomes your special talent. Cool!
(video source: Katsanslimites)
Drawing is the hobby I really want to improve on.
Give yourself this privilege and opportunity to level up your self and bring out a better you. Why not pour some more love to yourself while that special someone is still on its journey to you? Who knows you just might come across him/her because of mutual interests. Just because you’re single doesn’t mean you are not #blessed, because you are! There is so much in you that is yet to be discovered and you shouldn't let your empty love life hinder you from searching for it.
#3 Clean Your Space

(image source: Katsanslimites)
Cleaning our storage room in the rooftop.
If you’re not into hobbies then you can still make use of your time wisely by (Tada!) cleaning your home! Well, I guess that’s too much. Maybe just your room is okay for now. Throw those unnecessary and old things that no longer holds special value. Reorganize your things to maximize space. Pick those dirty clothes on the corner and wash them. Lastly, sweep the floor and remove all the dust chilling in your room. Give your room more space just like how you wanted to distance yourself from couples on Valentine's Day.
(video source: JENarationDIY via Youtube)
If you feel so inspired of cleaning then you might as well include your bathroom on your list. Your family would be so much thankful of you especially your mom. Cleaning and organizing things is an easy task. A clean environment is good for the health and mind! But if you feel lazy enough of organizing your room but still want to become productive, you can organize or remove some of your computer files instead. You may not have accomplished cleaning your room, at least you’ve free some space in your virtual room! It's healthy for your computer too!
#4 Watch Your Favorite Show

(image source: Katsanslimites)
Movie tickets when I went to watch The Space Between Us with my friend last week.
Lucky enough if you have a house helper to clean your home and look after your mess but unlucky you, because you can’t do number 3. Anyway, you can make use of this time to catch up with your favorite shows. Korean drama? Anime? Movies? The freedom is yours, my single friend! You can also celebrate your own Valentine's Day by watching romantic comedy shows so at least you could have something you can laugh and fall in love all over.
For new released movies, I guess the best time to go to the cinemas is on a weekday because there will surely be less people inside. Well, 14th falls on a Tuesday, now what to do? Simple. Reschedule it on the next day instead.
#5 Spend Time With Your Family

(image source: Katsanslimites)
Eating delicious foods with family!
Society has imprinted on us that Valentine's Day is only for couples but little did they know it is also the perfect moment to spend some quality time with your family. Deduct some digits on your earnings and treat them to a fancy restaurant or go all out to an eat-all-you-can restaurant, shop together, have fun at the amusement park, have a full body massage or simply stay at home with them. Remember, your family are the people who had first loved you and most especially the people you can count on during tough times. So it is only rightful to reward this precious people in your life once in a while. You may not have that special someone you can spend heart's day with, always put in mind that you will always have your family who deserves all your love and will treasure it forever.
#6 Bond With Your Pet
(image source: Katsanslimites)
Our pet Bogart!
And when I say family, that includes your pet/s too! Yup! Why not give some extra love to your pets this Valentine's Dat? They may be animals but they have feelings too, you know. Give them their favorite food or let them have a very special treat that will make them love you even more. You could also bathe them or have them primmed to a pet salon. You will not only have your pet feel fresh but also smell good, which means long cuddles with your furry friend! You could also make use of this time to teach your little friend a new trick!
#7 Go Out With Your Friends

(image source: Katsanslimites)
Things are a lot crazier when you're with your friends.
Away from your family this heart's day? No problem! Go gather up your fellow single friends and celebrate singlehood together! Friends who share same sentiments can be your best confidant during such time of crisis! As we all know, friends are our second family. So who cares if you are single when you have your squad whom you could spend the day with?
This should all go well when you have a single friend too but when all of your friends are currently in a relationship, well, you can choose on the other seven on my list!(Hehe!)
#8 Sleep It Away

(image source: Katsanslimites)
Glad I have this stuffed toy it's just perfect for this number.
When all else fails and you’re super lazy to do something on Valentine's Day, help yourself up and reward your health instead by having enough sleep. With all those responsibilities and stress lingering over you everyday, sleep is definitely a must. Fight those eye bags and black circles and wake up rejuvenated. Sleeping clears your mind and improves concentration. It might probably clear your mind from overthinking about being single too!
Sleeping has a lot of advantages and its advantage during Valentine's Day is that you get to avoid tha happenings of the day completely. Plus, you will definitely feel beautiful after. So welcome to a more vibrant and younger you!
Happy Valentines!
(image source: Katsanslimites)
Never be lonely because food is love!
With all these tips on my list, fellow singles should never feel lonely from now on. All it takes is just one tip to follow and you’re on your way to feeling better this Valentines. In fact, you should never feel sad and alone because you have your family and friends. You shouldn't base all your happiness to that special someone. And the biggest thing you should be grateful for is being away from a wrong relationship. It is always better being alone than putting yourself in a bad relationship. Save your love and time for someone who will do the same and would fight for you at all cost. And yes, he/she exists! Just continue being yourself and surely destiny will make its magic work to have both of you meet at the right time. Be patient and be happy for the mean time my fellow singles!
Thanks for reading and Happy Valentines!
✧ Katsanslimites