Break the Fast by Kolukattai

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Quick and easy Kolukattai recipe: Just in 10 to 15 mins its ready. This can be a simple to cook yet delicious in taste.

Ingredients                                              Quantity

Rice flour                                                    1 cup 
Sugar                                                         1 cup 
Coconut                                                      1 cup grated 
Warm Water                                               1 cup or less 
Ghee                                                          1 tsp              


Take the rice flour in a bowl and mix sugar and coconut. Add butter and mix well. Add warm water to it and simply make it a dough. 

Make small balls of rice flour dough and arrange them in greased idli plates and steam it for 10 mins

Wait for 10 minutes to cool down and then take it out. Delicious and sweet Kozhukattais are ready. 

This is one of the simple and quick method to do Kozhukatta.


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