Cano Cristales

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Cano Cristales


Cano Cristales is a Colombian waterway found in the Serrania de la Macarena region of Meta. The waterway is ordinarily called "The River of Five Colors" or "The Liquid Rainbow", and is even alluded to as the most wonderful stream on the planet because of its striking colors. Cano Cristales is a quick waterway with numerous rapids and waterfalls. Regularly in the cot have framed little round pits titan's pots, which have been shaped by stones or pieces of harder rocks. At the point when one of these harder rock sections can be categorized as one of the cavities, it is pivoted by the water ebb and flow and starts to cut at the depression divider and expands the measurements of the pit. The Serrania de la Macarena is spotted on the fringe of three expansive biological systems, each of them with high differing qualities of widely varied vegetation: the Andes, the Eastern Llanos, and the Amazon rainforest. Plant and creature life are battling with the absence of supplements on the robust rock surface of the tableland and have created various adjustments. The agent biome of the Serranía de La Macarena is the hydrophytic rainforest: hot, warm, and icy. The tableland is home to around 421 types of winged creatures, 11 types of creatures of land and water, 42 types of reptiles, and 7 primates.


Cano Cristales waterway has sea-going plants however is without the fish. The water of the stream is amazingly clean because of the absence of supplements and little particles. Very nearly novel is the splendid red - pink coloration of riverbed after the blustery period toward the end of July - November. This color is brought on by incredible amounts of endemic plant species Macarenia clavigera. This plant is found in some more nearby waterways, for example, the Cano Siete Machos. These red plants hold fast hard to shakes in spots where the stream has quicker current

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