Clear out!

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Cleaning out my hard-drives over the long weekend made me realise how many films I have made and never finish… Films I blogged about and keep people in the loop with just seamed to drop off the radar when other projects or work got in the way.


Having unfinished projects lying round is like having a splinter in the back of your mind, always there picking at you to finish. It's kinda like a messy room you know you have to clean before you can get any other work done!

So to clean my head and hard-drives I decided over the next 6 months I will be digging out all my unfinished projects and getting them up on Film Annex for you guys to enjoy!

The first film I have just uploaded was an online film I make in October 2012 for a small café in Manchester called Vivid Lounge. The brief was to create a short catchy film that will promote their business and be sharable online.



Also below are a few other projects that you can expect to see on Film Annex over the next 6 months.



A short comedy about new pants and a new start 


A short comedy about a fly that needs help 



A short film about my day to day job whilst making my We Series 


Also look out for more news on my up and coming web series in the next few days…. Exciting times ;) 


Jack Tew

About the author


I am a London based filmmaker, with a love of making short films. My films are often shrouded in suspense and reality, concentrating on characters and situations, and focusing hugely on detail. This has led me to becoming a commercials director in the company 'Buddy London', as adverts and short…

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