Copyright: A Rant

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The whole world respects copyright! Of the 196 countries on earth, 168 are signatories to the Berne Convention, which says they will not only honour copyright in their own countries but also respect the copyrights that apply to works produced in other countries.

In every single Berne Convention country, copyright applies at the moment of creation. In every country, copyright means that the artist controls how her work is used. It is his choice to allow or not allow adaptations, translations, derivative works, performances, copies, and all manner of broadcast, reproduction and distribution.

In all of these countries you must ASK PERMISSION to use a copyrighted work. Simply posting a credit or a link is not enough. Nor is ignorance of or disagreement with the law an excuse.

Don't think copyright is real? It doesn't matter!

Don't think it's stealing if you've left the creator with their original and only made a copy? Why the heck so you think it's called COPY-right? It's not "only-if-you-steal-the-original right!"

Stop insisting that you don't have to obey the law because you're not American or because the law is different where you live. Copyright law is practically universal. It probably exists in your country, and even if it doesn't you still have to comply with the laws that apply on any site where you source or post art.

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I love bitlanders

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