CVS Health- a joke?

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As many have heard, CVS is no longer selling cigarettes or tobacco products. Because of this drastic change in their market, they have decided to use this opportunity to rebrand themselves has CVS Health instead of CVS pharmacy.

Now before I get critical, I want to say that I do agree that smoking is bad for you and I don't promote smoking anything. (p.s. never smoked a cigarette in my life- go me!). However, I have many friends, family members and neighbors that smoke cigarettes, cigars and other things. Completely OK with me... what you do to your body is your business.

With that being said, I think CVS is now turning into a slight joke now that they are "healthy" because of not selling cancer sticks. Sure, smoking causes cancer and cancer kills people BUT obesity is about to surpass cancer in the amount of deaths caused and healthy CVS is still selling Doritos, Moutain Dew and every candy you can think of.

You don't see GNC selling family size bags of Cheetos OR cartons of cigarettes, so in my head I can easily classify that store has healthy.

Please refer to my first paragraph if you're thinking in your head "people make their own choices of what to smoke, drink or eat." Yes, I completely agree the consumer is at fault for getting both fat and possibly getting cancer, but that is not my argument. CVS is calling themselves healthy and they are not.

Try walking into a CVS around lunch time... options you will find include frozen pizzas, hot pockets and if you're lucky, white castle cheeseburgers. Don't have a microwave? No worries! There are large bags of chips, dip to go with them and you can wash everything down with a 2 liter of whatever soda you can think of. And while you're standing in line to buy your tasty treats, colorful candy labels grab your eye at the counter. You pick one out for yourself as dessert and then the worst thought pops in your head... "my {insert here} (kids/spouse/roommate/parents/friend) loves these!" Now you are spreading your unhealthy thoughts onto others that haven't even been to the healthy store yet.

Now, I am not the fittest person in the world and I LOVE Doritos...but I am not calling myself a healthy person am I? I'd like to consider myself pretty healthy, with regular exercise... so new name: CVS: The No Smoking Store

Perfect quote to sum up my thoughts...

"CVS is like ordering a diet coke with a Big Mac..."

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