EU regrets shrinking democratic space in Bangladesh

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The European Union has expressed concerns at violence in Bangladesh, especially attack on Reaz Rahmand and deaths of four people in arson in a bus.

Heads of Mission of the EU resident in Dhaka shared their concern at the current situation, when they called on foreign minister Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali on Wednesday.

They are also concerned at the shrinking democratic space, in view of the hostile political confrontation between rival camps.

"Actions to restore peace and stability should not be at the expense of freedoms of assembly, movement and speech," they said in a press release.

The EU representatives advocated that refraining from violence and engaging in genuine dialogue between all stakeholders would open the way forward to strengthen democracy.

They regretted the ongoing violence and disruption in the country that has resulted in several deaths, hundreds of casualties and the destruction of property, the EU said. It referred to the aggression perpetrated on 13 January against the former minister of state for foreign affairs Reaz Rahman and the horrific attack against the passengers of a bus in Rangpur on 14 January.


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