How identify our favorite wife

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Five key for opening the largest lock of you are live

First step research carefully.

Do you want to take the most important decision of you are live, taking mistake decision, not only you but make you are house hold and friends in problems. Sometimes an unsuccessful married make down lots of house hold, and bring lots of problems, tensions and misunderstanding, so it is necessary to pay most attentions about this issue.



The first and important action is this to research carefully, for the first time have some little information about the one which you want start jointly live, sometimes little friendship cause to do not research carefully.

Shireen has twenty six years old, she said about the first research “I had twenty years old that my aunt boy com to get married with me, they were live in the city and we had very friendly relationship with each other, in every weekend we were going to the sightseeing, on that time I was thinking that there is no one better than him, and this issue was as much clear for as that we have never think about carefully research, but after three month I find out that my husband job is the narcotic business, so please take care about this issue .



Ameer Ali said:

I had eighteen years old, when I front with nazanin, in a short time we become very friendly, and I take decision to get married with him, my house hold tried to much to understand me but I don’t pay attention, and I said it is ok there is no problem about her, my love don’t let me to research about her, but unfortunately after two years I understand that she is  serious mental sick.


Written by said Ali asghar yaqoobzada