IRAQ Part 2

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                                                                                        IRAQ Part 2                                                                                                                RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PEACE:                                                                                                                                             America must leave traq by 2011 and before leaving the iraqi security forces must be trained to cope with violence.Fresh free and fair elections should be held under the UN and any futire government should have a proportional representation of all ethnic group so none of them have any grievances.Law should be passed regarding share of oil revenues.Moderate baathists must be allowend to return to jobs.Cooperation of iran and syria must be sought.Iran has connetions with iraqi shias while syria can help in preventing influx of militants into iraq.This was also suggested by the bipartisan iraq study group baker hamilton report in 2006 which was rejected by bush.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Peace and stability can come in iraq only if various ethnic groups cooperate with each other.sunni arbs feel aggrieved over the loss of political and economic power.shias are also divid.the problem of kurds is also a very senstitive issue.The de facto autonomy enjoyed by iraqi kurds due to american presence in iraq has also encouraged the PKK kurdistan workers party who attack the turks from bases in iraq and want to untie the 25 million kurds scatterd across turkey iraq iran and syria.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    turkey has also bombarded thier bases in northern iraq.iraqi kurds are american allied while turkey too is an ally of america.This has somewhat stained the relations between american and turkey kirkuk a city whith major oil filed disputed between iraqi kurda and sunni arabs.american president obama has said that american troops would leave iraq by 2001.He has also offered talks with iran which is a positive sing.iran is undoubetdly a strong country in supports hamas as well as hezbullah.peace can come through cooperation with iran and not through confrontation.america should not try to create bitterness amongst the muslim countries of the ME.america under  bush had been providing weapons to various kingdoms in the gulf obama should relinquish such a policy.America by attacking iraq defied the UN for israel and oil.iraqismust be allowed to govern themselves in a truly democratic manner.The OIC is toothless is but a silent spectator undermining its own foundations by doing nothing.                        

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