It's all about the planning

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There are always special occasions on the horizon that threaten to sabotage your goals. Don't let them. Take control and plan ahead. Also, realize that you may not be able to stick to your goal every time, but that's okay. If a holiday comes up and I don't think I can stay with my plan, I allow for a cheat night and go back to my program the next day. You need to be flexible if you want to commit to your new resolution for the long run.

Setbacks are okay. I signed up for a session of spin classes to help me stay conditioned for summer riding and was stoked to go spinning with a friend every week. It's Thursday morning and I'm feeling good about staying on track for week three. I have my bike gear on and I'm getting the kids going - prodding them out of bed. My daughter says she's sick. Argh, this is not good, the kid is going to kybosh my new routine! Can't she get sick on Wednesday instead? But I need to adjust, I can't let missing the odd class affect my motivation. Family events, illnesses and more can take you off course, but they are just little blips in the grand scheme of things.

When life gets in the way of your goals, don't panic. Just get back on that horse again and keep your eye on the prize.