Jallianwala bagh

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 Jallianwala Bagh Massacre took place on 13 April 1919. The massacre is also known as the Amritsar Massacre.  We all have studied this in our school days in history. However, let us talk about it once again to brush up our memory. It was the most misfortune moment in the history where non-violent protestors including Baisakhi pilgrims were gunned down brutally. The crowd was gathered in the garden to protest against arresting of the two leaders. As on, the British Government had declared curfew. General Reginald Dyer commanded the operation along with the troop of 90-armed men. The troops locked all the entrance of the garden except the main entrance. Many houses and buildings surround Jallianwala Bagh; therefore, its entrance gates were very narrow. Without any warnings Gen. Reginald Dyer, order to fire. The troops fired approx 1700 rounds in 10 mins on those unarmed, defenseless people. Even many people died in the stampedes at the narrow gate. Even the injured people could not shift to the safe place and died at that place. Many people jumped into the well to be secured from the shoot. Nevertheless, they all died. Around 1500 innocent people injured and more than 1000 people including women and children died in this massacre. Later in 1940, Udham Singh (the one who witnessed the massacre) shot Michael O’Dwyer in Caxton Hall London. “I have no regrets, I did this because I had a grudge against him”, said Udham Singh in his defense and was sentenced to Death.

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