James Rodriguez is a professional footballer

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While reading celebrity news earlier, I came across the name James Rodriguez. The name sounded like a local (filipino) name and it did rang a bell. However, I couldn't quite figure out where I heard it before. Since it already piqued my curiousity so I did a quick research about it.

Anyway, no wonder why I have heard that name somewhere before. It turns out that or is because James Rodriguez is a professional football player who is currently playing for Real Madrid.

But what is striking for this young talent is that he is able to comfortably play different positions in the midfield. Not many players can do this which is why he is regarded as one of the great young players currently in the league.

Anyway, if you are not familiar or is not a fan of football, this post may not make any sense. But if you are a fan of the sport, then surely, you may have also heard of who James Rodriguez is.

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nothing about jikZ is interesting.
Now that's interesting (*'▽'*)
K. Thanks. Bye. *poof* magic jikZ is gone to wander around bitLand :D

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