Lemon Rice

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  1.  Cooked Rice                    3 cups
  2. Lemon                              2-3 nos
  3. Tour dal/pigeon rice           1 tbspoon
  4. Urad dal/Vigna mungo        1-2 tbspoon
  5. Curry leaves
  6. Oil
  7. Salt
  8. Turmeric powder               2 tspoon
  9. Mustard seeds
  10. Chopped chilly                    2-3 nos


Take a large pan heat oil and put mustards to crack. Add tour dal and urad dal to toast. Add curry leaves and chopped chilly, stir it well in low flame. Add turmeric powder, salt and stop the flame. Let it cool and add lemon juice. Mix it well and then add cooked rice. Lemon rice is now ready to be served. 

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