My latest short Falling

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So I shot my film at the weekend and I have to say it was a great shoot. I had a fantastic crew, Anderson West as my DOP who did a great job. This was the first short where I used the Red Scarlet, which I purchased thanks to the support of film annex. It was also the first short that I have directed in nearly two years since ‘I’ll Call You Back’ (which can be seen below) and its great to get back in to directing.

So now a little about the shoot! We arrived at the location at 9am, of course the lift was broken and we were shooting on the roof so we had around 30 trips back and fourth up 12 flights of stairs. Once all the kit was on the roof, everyone got to setting up. Whilst this was being done I worked on the lines with the actors in-between making sure everyone was on track.

We over ran on the set up by nearly 2 hours, but I wasn’t going to panic because on short films with practically no budget this is the norm. I always seem to be rushed for time but this is something I have become accustom to when shooting, so learning to think in the moment about what we can do to catch up is something I am used to.

Once we got going we kept up a good pace for the rest of the shoot and the footage was looking great. I think we went through nearly five 64GB cards for what should be a 5 min short, which may be a little over kill but going through the edit right now I feel its justified.

For me seeing all of the work I had done over the past couple of months come together was brilliant. It gives me such a great feeling knowing that we are all here working towards making a great film and its because I have made that decision to go ahead with some words I have written down on a piece of paper. I think that’s the biggest thrill for me knowing that something had been created and if I hadn’t made that choice to do it, then it would still just be an idea floating around in my head.

Stay tuned for updates every week :)

About the author


Mark Kuczewski has directed and worked on many short films over the past few years many of witch are now making their way round the festival circuit. Ready or Not has picked up awards for ‘Best thriller’ and the ‘No Limits Award’ as well as being screened at Eat our…

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