No Rope Arrows in Tomb Raider? Don't Use the Mouse Wheel

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No Rope Arrows in Tomb Raider? Don't Use the Mouse Wheel

If you have been used to using the mouse wheel, refrain from using it for now that you are playing Tomb Raider. Keep reading. 


I have just passed a part of the game where I almost though it was something the game developer has probably missed checking out before launching the game. The part I am referring is right after I completed an upgrade for the bow in the flooded tomb.


Inside the flooded tomb, I had to use the bow to pull a raft somewhere in there to prevent the electricity from flowing in the water. Unfortunately, on my first attempt, I missed the rope tied to it and I got no more arrows to shoot. I searched the entire place and outside of the tomb, all I found was ammo for Lara’s other weapon- not one arrow.


The main problem here was how I could use the rope arrow to pull the raft. Because switching to the bow wasn’t possible with at least one arrow. At that area of the beach, there was no way I could get down to the shore where there were lying things to scavenge. Reloading a possible checkpoint wouldn’t help too since the game frequently saves.


Then, an idea hit my head. The bow could use an alternative fire button just like the rifle could launch grenade. So the bow could actually fire the arrow rope without any arrows. After several walking and observing, I just got the very easy solution to this problem. I didn’t have to use the mouse wheel to switch weapon because using it wouldn’t select the weapon I desired to use once it ran out of ammo. Instead, I pressed one of the numeric buttons corresponding to the bow I needed to use. Then Eureka! The bow could now be used and I finished the flooded vault.  I also tried inserting a gamepad and using its directional buttons, it also worked.

This probably also applies in other instances in the game where the rope arrow is needed like creating ziplines.

If this post helps, share this to your friends who play and who are planning to get the game.


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