RUBY RED LION Tournament in Samurai Siege

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Competition is HEATING UP! Gather your strongest allies and get ready to face your toughest foes. The Ruby Lion Alliance War is coming soon! This tournament will bond you and your alliance together for 48 hours in all out war and only those who embody the King of the Jungle will stand in the spotlight!
Organize your Alliance and prepare to win a bountiful amount of prizes! Similar to the Save the Season Event but with a twist! Once your alliance declares war, you will have 48 hours to accumulate as many war points as possible. The more war points you accumulate during the event, the better the prizes! The Alliance that scores the most points at the end of the contest will also have their Alliance flag immortalized in the Hall of Fame. Your alliance can declare war at any time during the first 48 hours of the contest so plan and strategize accordingly. 

Registration Starts: Friday, Sept 19, at 11am GMT (4am PST)
Registration Ends: Sunday, Sept 21, at 11am GMT (4am PST)
Contest Ends:Tuesday, Sept 23, at 11am GMT (4am PST)

* Once an alliance declares war, it will have 48 hours to accumulate war points.
* Regular wars will end 12 hours before the start of the contest.
* Ghost Villages will be in full effect.

Prize Tiers:
* 2,000 points: 250 Diamonds
* 5,000 points: Small Ruby Lion Hut (Temp - 7 Days)
* 10,000 points: 2 million essence
* 20,000 points: 20 onyx
* 50,000 points: 3 million jade
* 75,000 points: Fire Demon Pit (14 Day)
* 100,000 points: 100 Onyx
* 150,000 points: 300 Onyx
* 200,000 points: 3000 Diamonds
* 250,000 points: Ruby Lion Hut (Temp - 45 Days)

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