No Sugar

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I have been working on a short with a friend of mine recently called 'No Sugar' the film was written and directed by Tom Rowe, I worked as camera op and online editor for the film. It was the first film that I shot on Red Scarlet and the first time I had any chance to edit a longer film with 4K footage.

There was a lot to learn in terms of how to handled the footage. We did an offline edit first where we converted all the footage to pro res LT and then did the cut. You have to make sure you don’t rename any of the clips otherwise when you come to relink the footage you wont know what clips connect to the 4K versions.

Once we had a final visual version locked down I went about reconnecting the clips, I did this in adobe which took a while because I had to find each version and relink them all individually, however you can export an EDL from adobe and bring that straight in to red code and it will reconnect all the footage automatically.

I think in the future for short films I will just edit the 4K footage straight in adobe and bring the quality down to 1/8 whilst I edit because my computer seems to handle it pretty well.

We just last week finished the sound mix for the film and we are now waiting on the final music track then it will just be tidying any last bits up and we are done.

I also had my first play with doing some motion tracking using after effects and working on the 4K footage. I thought this would slow my laptop right down but I was impressed with just how well it handled it.

So hopefully by the end of next week the film will be done!


About the author


Mark Kuczewski has directed and worked on many short films over the past few years many of witch are now making their way round the festival circuit. Ready or Not has picked up awards for ‘Best thriller’ and the ‘No Limits Award’ as well as being screened at Eat our…

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