Our Right is our Responsibility

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Our Dear Mothers have carried us in their wombs for three-fourths of a year and have pampered us since the day we exist here on Earth.

From the very start, we have been loved, nurtured and raised properly by our parents. they've climbed the peak of sacrifices just to ensure that we gain what we deserve and what we must obtain as their offspring and as human created by our Almighty Father. This challenge is absolutely difficult yet fulfilling once achieved and recognized by the society to where we belong. Aside from the promising dreams our dear guardians offer, they too ensure that we know that our rights are and how to become responsible of them. I've just mentioned RIGHTS! But what are they?

According to the dictionary, a right is something that a person is or should be morally or legally allowed to have or do. Each one of us has this. All of our actions have consequences therefore; we must set limitations and practice so that we can't raise Cain to others.

But the challenge does not just end in that. We also have to responsible enough to take good care of our nights because they're useless if we don't take our stand and steps to make sure that they are followed and practiced accordingly by all mankind.

As a youth, we also have our rights. And today, i will cite to you one of those which is our right to express LOVE to others specifically in the opposite sex. Most of the teens nowadays enter in the relationships during high school years, even if our elders do not agree with this matter, due to the reason of having lots of young couples in the society and the display of affection the partners show on the public. they say that it's one way of proving your Love to someone but the question is; is it how we use our right? Yes, we all have the freedom to show our Love to our loved ones but we also have our moral obligation. let's bear in our minds that we're living in a conservative country. A place wherein we're free to do what we want but still restricted and bounded with rules and regulations, especially in terms of morality. We must value our dignity by being matured enough in carrying ourselves because "Our Right is our Responsibility!"



Photo Credits: www.google.com



About the author


Newly-Engaged with a simple plan in life; to provide what my family needs

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