Possible location for short film!

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Hi all,

Just writing a quick blog about a possible location I found for our new short film!

Setting the film at night meant I had to wait until it got dark to get a good look at some locations I had in mind. This is so we knew what to expect in terms of light though the camera on the day of shooting. So with a DSLR in hand I headed out on foot in search of phone boxes in my local area of Essex.

We were looking for one that was away from busy roads and traffic so we were out of the publics eye whilst shooting. It’s handy that not many phone boxes are used nowadays, which makes it a lot easer knowing any I do find are more then likely not going to be occupied. 

Not only that but a lot of them are not maintained any more, so the wear and tear of the box gives it a bit more character, which should look great on camera and aids the story quite well ;)

After a good hour or so of searching I came across my first potential phone box! You soon realise that there’s hardly any room in a phone box to film and find yourself shooting through windows and doors in order to get the shots. Also low light is an issue around this location, which means we would have to stop the camera down to 1.4 / 1.2 to get the light we require to film. Instead I feel we should light this location, which will allow us to get a wider depth of field and make our movement shots easier to focus. Plus lighting the location will make it look so much more cinematic!





As you can see from the photos this location has some great character about it. Gritty!!! Plus It’s just off a main road so the public wouldn’t disturb us why filming. I would have to test how we would light inside the phone box without seeing any of the lights from the wide, as like I said there is hardly any room at all in one of these boxes.


This is a great start although I will be looking for more boxes with better surroundings for our establishing shot.


Keep you posted on more locations I find



About the author


I am a London based filmmaker, with a love of making short films. My films are often shrouded in suspense and reality, concentrating on characters and situations, and focusing hugely on detail. This has led me to becoming a commercials director in the company 'Buddy London', as adverts and short…

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