Ready or Not Info

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Ready or Not was such a huge challenge to film! getting permission to film in London is not an easy task, i think i spent the majority of time in pre production for this film on the phone or emailing people in London to try and get permission to film.

The london underground was actually surpassingly one of the easier places to film, however because i only had two days to film timing was key.

To make London look empty it meant getting up really early but because we shot in winter it meant that we did not have much daylight before london started getting busy.

So the first day we started at 5am on a saturday when the underground opened and shot the opening scene, we were out for around half 6 and set off on our walk to the second location arriving just as the sun came up. We then shot the some outside stuff but left early to shoot the indoor toilet scene. The first day we finished at 3pm and all went home to bed!

The second day we got in to london and shot the main bulk of outdoor stuff, the idea was to get their before anyone arrived but just my luck the people had arrived to set up christmas decorations. So we shot around the people lol

We then headed to shoot the outside of the toilet scene which was in a totally different place to the indoor scene. But as we set up to shoot a bus full of tourists arrived to use the toilet lol. We had no option but to ask everyone to literally just move whilst we got the shot. So we set up with about 40 tourists watching behind us and once we called cut we got a round of applause.

Next was the ally scene, which we shot whilst a security guard watched. Apparently he had not been told we were filming but he was not to bad.

Once done their we headed to our final location to film the elevator scene which we arrived late so had to shoot quick because we were not allowed any extra time, but we did it and we finished.

Probably one of the more stressful shoots but such a good feeling when we finsihed.

About the author


Mark Kuczewski has directed and worked on many short films over the past few years many of witch are now making their way round the festival circuit. Ready or Not has picked up awards for ‘Best thriller’ and the ‘No Limits Award’ as well as being screened at Eat our…

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