The Indian Snack - Chivda

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Ingredients                                                                        Quantity

  1. Chivda ( thin flat beaten rice)                                     1 lb
  2. Mustard seeds                                                             2 tspoon
  3. kaskas (poppy seeds)  (optional)                              1 tspoon
  4. Thin Chopped Green Chillies                                     4-5 nos
  5. Chopped Onions                                                          2 nos 
  6. Peanuts                                                                         
  7. salt to taste
  8. chilly powder                                                                  1/2 tspoon
  9. turmeric powder                                                            1/2 tspoon
  10. Curry leaves


Here is a quick recipe for chivda.

  • Microwave chivda for 2 mins to make it crispy.
  • Add oil in a pan to heat it, add mustard seed and wait till it cracks, add       kaskas(this is one of the spice used in India), chopped onions, chopped chilly and peanuts. stir till the onions turns crispy. 
  • Add curry leaves.
  •  Salt to taste and also 1/2 tspoon chilly pwdr and turmeric powder.
  • Mix well ,add Chivda and mix everything together for a while.


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