To be personal, or not to be personal. That is the question.

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As I write this I have hit a dilemma, how much do you reveal about yourself in a film or rather how much should you write about your own life experiences in a film. It’s a simple question with a simple answer, I mean of course you should write about something you have experienced, you don’t need to research or to verify its validity, because it’s happened to you. On the other hand once it’s in film form and made public, everyone in the world knows about that personal experience. And in this age of information overload and almost non existent privacy, how much of yourself do you really want out there?

Whether it’s an inside family joke or a ridiculous situation you’ve found yourself in, there is something we all have experienced that would probably make a great short film, and for those that have drama filled lives, a feature length. However there are consequences to the whole world knowing about that event. We’ve all done something stupid in our lives, but some would have you believe that they never ever did anything of ill judgement, and there will be those who won’t get the context of that situation.

So what do you do?

The one thing I’ve found out about this world we live in is that we will always get judged by what you do. No matter how good or innocent a deed may seem, there will always be someone that will find a negative with it. So, at this point, why care? As artists it’s impossible to not let a bit of yourself be in your art. Whether it’s your opinion, your taste, or even literally you. You can’t satisfy everyone, and if you did, you probably didn’t whether you think so or not. So let yourself go, write your opinion in your film. It’s you, no one can tell you what to think or make, only you can choose that (well unless they are paying you).

I find if that if your film doesn’t have a bit of you in there it’s really just a pointless,soulless, inanimate collection of moving pictures.

So I guess I answered my own question, just write and if people like what you come up with go with it, and heck even if they don’t, do it anyway.

Some of the most interesting stories are based on true life events, so why go all the way into fantasy land when your life is the probably the greatest story you’ll ever experience?
The answer is don’t, just write that childhood experience down and let the world know, just don’t too revealing with the details.

About the author


Anderson West is an award winning UK and Floridian filmmaker who enjoys shooting what he knows, thinking far too big, and hopes to one day, dream for a living. He studied Media (Film) Production at Staffordshire University and finished with a 1st class honours. He has directed, produced, and shot…

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