Today's Habits - Tomorrow's Reality: Time For A Review?

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Start where you are. Start with an intention to identify and choose healthy habits.
Identify habits associated with fitness and those that should be divorced from your life. Make a two column "add vs. eliminate" habit list. Improve your fitness one habit at a time.

A great thing about habits is the longer you have them the easier they are to keep: the force of the habit keeps it going.

If daily repetition is the heart of habit, desire and intention are the soul. Desire and intention drive a single choice you make in your head that leads to a physical action to do or to resist doing something. Next you make an additional choice to repeat, or not to repeat, the action. Then one day a habit is born.

The smallest expenditure of daily effort can lay a foundation for any habit. Fortify a good habit with a focus on daily repetition, daily consistency.

Fitness starts as a consciousness and grows throughout your life. We can all be on a fitness journey- at different mile markers. Don't compare yourself to anyone else. Your journey is unique.

Review what you do. You may decide to change what you've been doing. Timing is everything, right? Maybe your time is now. A little success leads to more. Once you experience a little success you may determine that now is the time to eliminate habits that don't serve you well.

What you don't know in the beginning is how easy it will become to maintain healthy habits and that healthy habits push bad ones out of your life almost without effort. Time is limited. Habits use time. Fill your time with healthy habits.

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