Will India become a Superpower

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Why India will become a super power eventually

The question has always been asked- Does India have it to become a superpower? The naysayers point to the  widespread poverty in the country. They also point to the  widespread poverty in the country. They also point to the  widespread poverty in the country. They also point to the  widespread poverty in the country. They also point to the  widespread poverty in the country. They also point to the  widespread poverty in the country. They also point to the wide spread disparity in disbursement of knowledge among its population. However, the country is already taking steps to become a super power.

To start with, the defence technology is no longer imported but is being developed at home. The scientific community has played a huge part in advancing of medical research. This has led to  an increase in lifespan among the general population. The high level of education imparted can be observed by the runaway success of the outsourcing industry. The high level of technical knowledge has seen local brands competing with global players in the mobile communication sector. However, this is by no means a finished product. Increasing levels of education and a strong political will are playing a huge part in helping the country be counted among the top nations across the globe. 

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