Women Empowerment in Pakistan

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 As we know that women has basic role in life and she plays role in the form of mother , sister, wife daughter .Some great person said man and women are like the wheels of car if one wheel is not properly functioned then the journey will be not possible .                                                                                                                                                    


Great Leader ‘’Quid -e -Azam ,, said in 1942 (No nation could rise to the height of glory , unless your women are side by side with you ; we are the victims of evil customs. it is crime against humanity that our women are shut up in the four walls of house as prisoners )


The human society is made up of man and women .Both species are complementary to each other one cannot survive oneself without the other. There is no chance of the welfare of the society unless the condition of the women is improved .It is not possible for a bird to fl with one wing, an advocate of women empowerment ; Sami  Vivekanada  said according to him the state is considered as bird along with two wings; man and women  to fly in the  air                                                                                                                                                                                        


Women empowerment refers to the ability of the women to transform  to economic and social development  when empower to fully participate  in the decisions that affect their lives through  leadership, training consulting coaching  providing a tool for too leading the country in different communities and religions 


The condition of women empowerment in my country Pakistan is satisfactory now the women’s of Pakistan  is working  in different sectors of life  agriculture banking , politics sports  services  and now the women’s also severe as army officers 



 women has leading role in the development of nation like mother of nation first lady to contest the election against ayub khan and Benazir Bhutto the first prime minister of Islamic world                                                                   


Pakistani women has the freedom of liberty of property inheritance law according to Islamic way financial responsibilities, jobs, business opportunities etc . They must be politically empowered by reserving seats in legislative assemblies and has liberty and freedom in personal affairs like marriage case and inheritance of land                                                                                                                                                                                                                      


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