4 Facts You Need to Know About Tonya Harding and her Biopic I, Tonya

America, they want someone to love. But they want someone to hate. And the haters always say, ‘Tonya, tell the truth!’……
America, they want someone to love. But they want someone to hate. And the haters always say, ‘Tonya, tell the truth!’……
(video credits: Craig_Gillespie via Bitlanders.com) image credits: IMDB The Bitlanders Film Series……
To succeed in our chosen path is the biggest goal we work so hard to achieve. However, the road to success is not easy especially……
The bitLanders Film Series to Support Women Empowerment: I, TONYA - Photo credit: itonyamovie.com -……
Video credits: Craig_Gillespie via bitlanders My gosh, I just watched I, Tonya and I can't imagine her life. I felt……