Forms of interviews

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there are four types of the interview and they are:

1) One-on-One Interview:

  • This is the most common type of interviews.
  • You’ll be interviewed by one person.
  • During the interview, you should focus on the questions asked, maintain eye contact, and show that your qualifications will benefit the organization.

2) Panel interview:

  • It consists of more than one interviewer.
  • To succeed, you should maintain eye contact with the person who asks the question, yet you should be looking to each one of them.

3) Group interview:

  • it consists of one interviewer and a group of candidates.
  • This type is mainly used to discover how you can deal under-pressure, how you can deal with different types of people surrounding you, test your communication skills and your leadership skills.
  • Also to see how you interact with others and how you use your knowledge and skills to influence them.

4) Group-Panel interview:

  • it consists of a group of interviewers and a group of candidates.
  • As one of the interviewers ask questions, the other will be closely monitoring the groups’ reaction to these questions.
  • You should focus with each one of them, and also focus with the group of candidates surrounding you.

Job interviews strategies:

Job interview strategies that focus only on the interview is not enough.

You must use strategies that cover the entire process. They can be divided into three phases:

  • Actions you should take before the interview: like knowing where is the company and some information about it for preparing yourself properly for the interview.
  • Actions you should take during the interview: and this is what we talked about before.
  • Actions you should take after the interview: prepare yourself for the 2nd interview if there is a second interview and leave a good mark when you leave.


Written by Mohammed Hussein

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