girls education is the step of a better future and pass a happy life

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Now i talk about education of girls.In the villages people do not give well education to the girls because he think that girls are born only for house work.In the villages women have no freedom of education,going outside home and even have no freedom of talk about their life and their future.

This is all wrong because our religion teach us that to get education is one of first duty.In Islam education is allow to get both boys and girls.Education is a way that take us on a bright way.It is the step of success.If we see to the modern country,the peoples are well educated and pass a very happy life and stand on the top of success.

This is all due to education.Education is not only necessary for boys but also  for the girls to live in our modern society.But we follow the rules of man made society that is called modern society and man power.If we talk about the cities,girls are well educated as compare to the villages.

In the cities girls get high education and work in offices and stand on the top post like boys.In the cities girls have full freedom of every work.We should give the rights of women and education is one of his right.

About the author


I am a Publisher on different networks and also work on Bitlanders....................

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