Great advices to all bitlanders members

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Hello guys how are you..

 Today i want to give some beautiful tips and advices to you about how to work in bitlanders. Because proper work is the key to success and if you will not work under rule you will only waste your time.

I have noted that much of members do spammy micro blogs and even go to make 100+ micro blogs like this, Hello, Hi, I am hungry, 345, bla bla. These blogs have no any sense and still you ask for others to please buzz your micro blogs etc. I think this is not right way because micro blog should be used if you want to ask any questions or short impression to your friends or to convey some message, so on daily basis it may be maximum 10-15.

Second advice is that try to make own content blogs as in start i also made few blogs and that were by mistake and personally I noted that those duplicate content do not increase my level or points as i was expected. So care for this and in blogs you have to use only your own words and contents and ideas.

Third tip is that avoid extra and spamy comments like, nice, wow, good, amazing on every post. But try to explain your impressions in comment related to that post which will show you had read or watch that content fully. Like your comment is an evaluation about that blog or video which you had read or watched with attention and then give your review about that.

So in short my advices is that only do genuine work and take interest in this working like you do facebook with happy face, so really bitlanders will give you good reward on your genuine work.


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Hello guys.. I like to have more social contacts, so follow me and i will back to you..

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