The rapid extension of Social media in Afghanistan Mirman Hayati High School Weekly Report

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The problems of some of the students solved in their lessons during the last week. The Teachers should try more to make known the lessons to the students and solve their all problems. The environment also should be ready to study.

All the twelfth class students of Mir-Man Hayati high school registered in university entrance exam of 1392.The students’ future is directly related to this exam. So, all the students should attend in this examination and try to get more success. They should get more preparation to this and try more to get good numbers.

Some of the students who came from other school to Mir-Man Hayati high school, they did not bring their resumes from other schools, so the problem solved last week and their resumes completed. The students who converted to other schools, their names crossed out from the resume book of the school. All the attendance sheets training guidance books of the teachers checked last week.

A supervision body from education department came to school and checked all the school’s educational and addministrative affairs.

The computer teacher of the school introduced all browsers to the students including Opera, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. She taught them how to use them, which one is better in speed and which one is better to use.

The teacher taught them about the searching by google that first you should open the browser, then write the subject and if you search in English you will find English matters; if you search in Persian you will find Persian matters. They learned how to save the matters from the internet to their computers.  

About the author


Mirman Hayati High School is one of the historical schools of Herat, Afghanistan. It was established in 1340 (1961). This school is located in the center of Herat city, on Shahid Mirwais 28 Street. It has 1,810 students in two shifts and 50 teachers. This school was first reconstructed by…

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