Anime You Should be watching this season.

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This season of Anime seems pretty dull compared to both last season, The Winter which had amazing shows like The Promised Neverland, Dororo & The Second season of Mob Psycho and also the last spring, the spring of 2018, which was an absolute treat with the third season of My Hero Academia, Steins;Gate 0 (it was amazing, fight me), Megalo Box & Wotakoi. But There are some hidden gems I'd like to shout-out that may interest some of you.

In this list I will not be talking about continuations from the last season. But First lets get the Obvious out of the way.


One Punch Man - Season 2


The sequel to the insanely popular seinen, comedy. The series is praised for its over-the-top but relatable comedy and for the refreshing out-take of the super-hero genre. It is essentially a parody, making fun of over used tropes, general society and the super-hero culture. If you haven't seen the first season yet, what are you doing.

But the latest trailer has stirred up some backlash due to the lack of animation quality. But it is understandable as this season will be done by a different studio than the first. The first season was done by studio MadHouse which was perfect but I don't think J.C. Staff the new studio can live up to the high expectations of the fanbase. It is not unwatchable per se, granted that J.C. staff trying their absolute best to replicate the first season, but expect to be disappointed by the animation. Personally it won't bother me much as long as the plot is interesting.

I already watched the first episode and plan on to watch every week.


Attack on Titan - Season 3 - Part 2 (?)

'They should've just called it season 4'

I know, I know, it is technically a continuation but not from last season but from the last summer. I think that Studio Wit couldn't push out the episodes on time for the second half of the third season so rather than sacrificing quality they delayed the second half of the season. Good move, if you ask me.

As the first half didn't contain much of titans, some fans were disappointed. However this half seems to be jam-packed with titan action according to the teaser trailer released few weeks ago.

Definitely in my watch list.


And now for the more lesser known titles.

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba

My pick for the anime of the season

Kimetsu no Yaiba is an interesting story following a young boy named Tanjiro and his sister Nezuko. It is a horror/demon story taking place in early 20th century Japan. I will not spoil the series for you, because the first episode was simply amazing. Everyone at least should give it a try.

The show is produced by the King of Animation, studio ufotable, and so far the visuals look incredible. And the sound track is one of the best I have heard in a while.

I have watched the first episode already and I will try to convince everybody I know to watch it.


Fairy Gone

P.A. Works strikes again!

"Once upon a time, fairies were tools of war" - MAL synopsis. Another interesting premise set in the action genre. Because it is P.A. Works the Art-style looks amazing. I expect a lot of great action scenes and also moments of badass-ness, judging by the general feel of it. Therefore even if I don't know anything about the story in question I suggest you to watch it.


Fruits Basket

Remade after 18 years!

Fruits Basket (2001) was one of the most praised anime of its time. Even today it is recognized as a great shoujo, slice of life romance by many. I personally haven't watched it as I'm not of the target audience and thanks to the dated animations. But with this remake I can finally give it a shot. Who knows, maybe I'd be a shoujo fan afterwards. 

I'm adding this to the list purely based on its predecessors reputation. If you are an 'anime-girl' you should definitely watch this anime.


So That Conclude my list of Anime you Should Watch this Season. Hope you discovered something to your taste.


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About the author


19 yo from Sri Lanka. Likes Video games and Anime.

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