Basking in the LOLZ

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(Disclaimer: Many elements of this post are tongue in cheek and the sentiments discussed are not reflected by anyone sane or otherwise)

I hit my epiphany just a few days ago regarding this website. I shouldn't really force myself to care, if I'm not given a reason to care. But then, I realized that I found my reason, the sheer entertainment value for the website.

I'm two days away from my potentially final cash out. You never know, I could hit it again. Will it be before 2016? Well......hmmm, I eagerly look forward to my yearly Bubblews cashout if that's the case.

The money kind of dried up overnight, but I still am blaming the July relaunch. And likely something Google did, because it's always something Google did. I still recall how the Panda update many years ago utterly obliterated a bunch of websites.

I kid, really I do. Google is good to many websites. Most of them owned by Google. That's business for them, I guess.

My running theory right now is Arvind had a sugar mama that cut him off about October or so. That's where all of the money was coming from. Granted, I could be wrong. Unless I'm right. But otherwise I could be wrong.

Oh look, there's a new admin post. Sadly, comments seem to be lacking. I don't think anything is going to top the pure venom that was spewed in the posts from both the apologists and the bashers. Now that amused me, but sadly this one is lacking. But the post is still young.

I'm sure some people are going to take great offense to this post. And here I ask....why so serious?

Take care, stay warm or try to. Have a good weekend. Adios, amigos and sayanora.

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