Computer Networking PART3

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Transmission media

             Tranmission media is use for to connect peoples with each other or the way through which the people can communicate with each and share the data and information with each others.

1  Wired media. In wire d media basically two type coaxial cable and twister pair cable

   Coaxial cable.In coaxial cable use two copper wire one in center and made up of solid conductor and enclosed with insulating sheath.and the other wire is over the center wire and both are insulating in sheath again after this both or in plastic cover.

   Twister pair cable in twisted pair cable the to copier line are in plastic cover together.from a single media.One wire use for actual signals and other is use for ground reference.

2  Unshielded twisted pair cable  UTP is one of the most used cable in the world .It not only use in networking also use in telephone line.six different type of categories are use like ca1,cat2,cat3,cat4,cat5 and cat6. In UTP cable two shielded wire twisted with each others

 3 Shield twisted pair In shield twisted pair we use fiber optic cable.

  Fiber optic cable.Is made up of high quality glass and plastic,Its property that work in properties light and when light rays are hit in certain angle it reflect at 90 degrees.

4 Wireless media. there are lot of reason for to use wireless media like Roam with out losing connection,work together more effectively,provide better customer service,take information when ever we need,offer value added service,add user quickly,connection each in hard area,improve processes.

Wireless communication with LANs. wireless provide signals in very short distance like Radio signals and Infrared Signals.

Radio signals are very easy to generate and it have the wavelength from 1mm to 10000km and have frequency of 3Hz.The Radio waves can walk on wall whereas higher RF travel in straight line and bounce look like



 Type of Conductor.There are three type of conductor RJ45,RJ11 and BNC

 RJ45,This conductor is use very commonly in Ethernet and stander type of conductor.It have eight pins.RJ45 is arrangement of individual wire when need attach the conductor with the cable

RJ11 Rj11 is most common and familiar in register jacks.the fact is that provide vertically signals.It basically use in telephone and telephone line.

BNC.In BNC conductor we can quickly connect or disconnect RF also use in monitors use to increase the accuracy of signals, In feature tow bayonet lugs on female conductor are use.Is a female device allow to connect two cable with each others