Digital Art : Polka Pink Madness

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Digital Scrapbooking is a hobby which I had considered stress reliever because whenever I am doing it, I feel free, I feel like I am in a different world, I forget the time and I feel like I am a little girl again. It just feels right and I am worry free when I am doing it.

My favorite background image though for whatever reasons is something which is related to being polka. Circular stuffs had been attractive to my eye and if that has cute colors, lite ones or even dark ones as long as it attracts my eyes, I would definitely use it for any page that I will be making.

Here’s an example of a polka dot designed background image. When I say background image, that means I am using it as a background of my scrapbook page. It will be covering the entire backdrop of the page and that the cliparts, photos and other stuffs will be added into it later on.

I have learned to make patterns and had been creating my own background images too with the use of those patterns, I start with making a few dots with different colors and once I make a certain pattern out of it and create a whole page with that pattern, it becomes a background image.

Hope you also like it!


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♥ saved by grace ♥

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