Evening walk

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Evening walk is just amazing especially in summers when sun almost set there is little bit cooling in air when there is trees that makes environment fabulous and when we have company of friends that make the heart environment so happy along with songs that played on mobile that scene makes so charming.

According  to my suggestion every person should go outside for example in parks in play ground etc because every one become tired and so tense during working in offices and students in schools ,collages and universities this walk fresh your minds and also provides socials interaction with peoples that is also very good for your social life.

seeing trees and greenery provides very healthy effect to you mind and your heart that is like giving strong hope for living and removes tensions and sadness from your life.this also provide sharing your thoughts and some thing very special to your friends and your loved one in this way you give your time to your special one.


About the author


cricket ...chemistry...Imran khan

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