Experience is better or books?

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According to my point of view experience are more important because we take experiences from collection of mistakes then we become careful repeating that mistake again and I this way experienced peoples gives share their experience with other peoples and gives them advises but on the other hand books gives knowledge and useful stories or experience of other peoples which writes their experience in form of books.we can use that advises or experience in good way but nature of human is , he make their own mistake and he learn from that mistake this become experience , very few peoples uses experiences of other peoples while reading books and implement in their life.

Experienced is get from taken risk in our life or doing normal work then we learn how to do that work , if taking risk when it become fail then it gives us lesson no to do in this way then we get away from that way then we try it another way this is experienced and we learn it by making mistake and this is very important than books because books gives theoretical knowledge that we cannot do in practical form in this way we cannot do in right way so experience is more important than reading books.

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cricket ...chemistry...Imran khan

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