Few quick questions to Gina Di Meo, a woman working for an information as close as possible to the TRUTH

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Gina Di Meo ~  Italian journalist based in NYC. She writes for Ansa, the Italian news agency. Previously reporting from Afghanistan, she is about to go back for the forth time.

- What  do you think about the journalism world Today, how did it change since when you decided to do this job?

 I think that there are too many people thinking they can be journalists/reporters even when they are not. Internet is a jungle in regarding information, I am talking about bloggers (not all of them of course), Twitter, Facebook, social media and networks. Yes, you can find as much info as you want but where is the borderline between truth and false? For instance, if you read a news on ANSA website you can be almost 100% sure (of course we are all human beings) that behind that news there is someone that has checked facts, nothing is random.   Journalism when I started? Well, It's been 15 years... a lot has changed, in Italy at that time internet was starting but you still had to look for news in a different way, it was harder and easier at the same time. But you know things change and you get used to that not even realizing... you simply 'adjust' yourself unconsciously

. - What does it mean for you to be able to do your job in the right way ?

Fact check above all, we have a responsibility towards our readers we have to make sure that what we are telling them is absolutely the truth.

-You will be in Afghanistan again, this is not your first time,  but how do you feel about it ?

I am excited because that's the kind of job I would do everyday. Of course I am not for war but I love reporting from war zones. Things happen right in front of you, all you need to do is write about that. And war is not only about fighting or people killing each other, there is humanity as well and I can assure that it is worth any sacrifice, my personal sacrifice.

-What do you think can be done for the women there? 

Who? us or them? I don't have an answer, I wish I could... Probably anything can help. The key is education, the more they know the more they realize that what they have to go through is not the ordinary.

-Do you think your job can help change something out there somehow?

Hopefully, if nothing else people get aware of what is happening there.


Grazie molte Gina,God Luck for all !

About the author


Born in Florence, Italy, Lilia Di Lauro is a textile agent working at MTI USA in New York. Lilia is also the author of a book of poems, "Processo Di Fermentazione a New York". She enjoys reading, photography, fencing, and living in Brooklyn. In this blog, Lilia writes about her…

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