Fifty one percent; more than half

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     Women make the majority of Afghanistan’s population, but unfortunately, they are treated as slaves in our society.

     Mostly women are uneducated across the country and they are not involved in social, educational, religious, political and other activities.

     The ruling traditions in Afghan society say that women should stay at home, be silent and patient to all kinds of oppress they face.

     Mother, sister, wife, friend and many more; women are the main characters in a person’s life. Women are who give birth to lives; As mother a woman trains her child to be a respective person in society but why should the mother can’t get access to the same society to be a part of changes in there.

     There are many laws, federations, conventions around the world for women rights also in Islam religion it has been constantly admired to respect women but in nearly all situations women are held as captives in our society. If we want to write about injustices in a woman’s life in Afghanistan we can write more than hundreds of articles.

      We have lots of women abuse examples that can’t be explained in such short article.

      In situations like today if a woman goes to school, university or other educational centers, women work in different fields they are people’s representatives in the parliament in it self it’s a huge achievement and improvement for Afghan government and society.

      Women have managed to recover their pains to go beyond the acceptations of all and work hard to get back their lost position.

      Women have facilities in cities like the capital Kabul but the situation in worse when we talk about suburbs and places, which are far away, form civilization. In such places women are sold or they are exchanged with animals.

      Under-age and forced marriages are also making hell out of their life.

      Women rights are getting very important now cause of changes that will be after 2014. Women right fighters are worried because the last decades achievements are in danger of getting vanish into tin air.


        As its said that women make more than the half of our society but they are supposed to be threated equally to men and in the last I want to be alive to see that one day when a daughter is equal to a son not only in Afghanistan but across the world.


 by: wazhma ehrar  

About the author


She is a journalist

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