How to make our syllabus study easy?

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studying syllabus book is so boring no one study their books with devotion and more important they do not get knowledge from them they cramming their books to get marks and grades if teachers help them to make easy their notes or their syllabus then student get main idea of their concerned topic and they use them in practical life and also get good marks and he also get concept regarding this and he will trying to do new in this field and gives new innovation that is the big advantage of making easy syllabus.

the way we make syllabus easy that is we make notes of that subject and notes consist of one big heading and more sub heading and difficult words are written on last page with their meaning and notes should be in simple language that helps students to understand context easily .

another way is that teacher should teach difficult topic two or three time that also help student to get concept about topic and teachers concerned every student and help in their problems.

student should learn their topic or subject not cramming but with understanding the topic and then writing that topic with their own words and with concept that ways will help you to get marks and in practical life .  

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cricket ...chemistry...Imran khan

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