Jesus In The Flesh and Jesus After Death

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I have heard many say that Jesus has claimed for all who follow Him need to drop everything they are doing, and need to leave behind everything they own. I have serious problems with this belief. First off this seems like the ultimate religion. I for one have a relationship with Jesus and the only things I feel I should drop in my life are sinful activities. I first want to address the word sin for a second here before moving on to my major point in this article. The word sin doesn't only mean visual sins where people can see your sin, it also means the sins that you can not see. I'm going to explain something here. When I wanted to do good for the Lord I had dropped everything. I started hanging out with other "flawless" Christians. I always heard these words "Christians shouldn't do that". Here is where many Christians fail in my opinion. Christians already should know many of the things they should or should not do. The thing is when the sin is visual the Christians that are doing the visual sin are constantly reminded that they don't measure up as Christians. What's even more troubling than seeing a Christian smoke, or get drunk (which I struggled with for many years as a Christian) is another Christian pointing fingers saying "a Christian shouldn't do that". Here is the part where transparent sin occurs coming from the so called "righteous" man. The Bible says to not condemn. It may be absolutely true that Christians shouldn't do that, but Christians also shouldn't be pointing fingers which makes the one pointing fingers no better than the one he is pointing fingers at. Look, we all fall short as the Bible specifically says. The Bible also specifically says that none love me. What I am getting with this verse is that God is telling all of us "you just don't get it". Something tells me that God is telling us that we're not even close to understanding His word. There can't be any exceptions, cause it says "all fall short, and none love me". This means that the greatest pastor of the greatest church in the world doesn't even measure up. I just don't recall any verse in the Bible that tells us to point fingers at each other. I do remember a verse where it says to love one another. If we want to help or change someone, we must first show love to that person. In my words "We must never try to change someone in order to love someone, rather we must love someone in order to change someone".

Now, to the topic intended for this article. While Jesus was in the flesh on earth he simply asked His disciples to drop everything in their lives so that they could follow Him. Jesus's Spirit wasn't unleashed unto the world until after He rose again. Now that Jesus's Spirit is unleashed unto all the earth, we no longer have to drop our belongings in order to follow Him cause Jesus Spirit is now everywhere on this earth. It had nothing to do with being saved, or being a Christian. It's like the love of your life is in a different country, and now to marry this person you have to drop your house, your job, and everything in your life so that you can physically be with this person. This social engineering stuff can really mess with you. Like I say it's even in some churches. Church is a great thing, and everyone should be involved, just be sure of the things you learn. You just don't know if even the pastor is socially engineered.

About the author


Grew up in small town Saskatchewan. Not much else to say here.

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